Extra 25% free for our loyal clients! EXTENDED OFFER!

Extra 25% free for our loyal clients! EXTENDED OFFER!

There is only a few days left for all our loyal customers to take advantage of our “Valued Customers 25% Extra Free” offer!

To thank you for your loyalty, we’d like to offer all our loyal customers a special deal on your next order* placed with us before December January 31st – we’ll give you 25% extra absolutely free  (For example, if you order 1000 business cards, we’ll deliver 1250 for the price of only 1000)  Just quote the reference on the letter we sent you or contact us us for another!


* Terms and conditions and minimum order quantities apply.  Not to be used in conjunction with any other offer and order must be placed before 31st January 2012 (31st December 2011.)